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Development diary plan 

Week : 10/01

Reorient the load of work to ensure a finished trailer in the mid term future. Make clear the new deadlines and new work assignments for every member of our team.

As a start of the week we made a BackUp and reorganized the project goal for the mid term future, focusing our work from now on the trailer of the game, and keeping on hold the game development itself. 

At the end of the week as the new organization was clear there was a reunion with our sound Department to make clear our needs and start next week with the trailer sound work.


Week : 17/01

Start with 2D work to shape the idea of our trailer and improve the shot framing and light concept work. We ended the week with the first 3D blockout of the environments displayed on the trailer.


As per the beginning of the week we developed the storyboard of our new trailer, mainly using visual content already developed early in the project, As the art mentor came, we prepared a layout for all of our 2D art so it has a clear cohesion, Game Dev Document was updated according to the latter changes and hearing the recommendations of our mentor Marta related with our GDD layout .

Week : 24/01

Have a base idea of the timing we want for the trailer so that our sound team can start working.

At the beginning of this week we had already finished the final storyboard so we started working on the scenes that will appear in the trailer.  Starting with the blocking and layout of the trailer.

Week : 31/01

Improve the 3D models that would appear in the trailer as well as starting with tileable textures work.

Finish first version of the trailer.

Captura de pantalla 2022-03-02 231350.png

This week was mainly focused on prop work, we selected those props already made in early development that would star in the trailer and improve the looks for the trailer, mid Week our material artist started designing the materials that would fill walls and floors, and the interfaz appearance was change with the new course that the game was following. At the end of this week we finished the first trailer version.

Week : 7/02

Advance small details of our trailer such as effects, textures or advanced animations.

This week we start with more advanced details of our trailer such as special effects, in our case corruption, creation of various textures or hand animations.


Week : 14/02

First Sound version of the trailer.

Photographies of the team for the GDD presentation. 

First draft of the Gamemakers presentation.

The trailer music made for the last week was added to the trailer along with some of the SFX that would be in the final trailer version. A photography session was held on Wednesday to portray our GDD presentation. Those photos were edited the day after to obtain the finished look that we wanted. In addition, we started developing what would be the script of the presentation for March third.


Week : 21/01

Refine the trailer and import the sounds into the trailer.


At the beginning of the week we managed to finish our smart materials to be able to texture more easily our objects and environments such as frames, we also took the opportunity to record several pending things such as the dialogues of our protagonist Emma, the 45 s pitch or retouch the final music for our trailer, on the 24th we finished the doll, corruption and the 45 s pitch. 

To finish this week, we will resume the final presentation, the animation of corruption, the programming and the level design.

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